Menolly Kaufman
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Twitter: @menollyk
Luther-King Fasehun
Student Representative
Menilly Kaufman, PhD MPH, is a perinatal epidemiologist and Medicaid researcher. She is a recent graduate of the Oregon Health & Science University-Portland State University School of Public Health epidemiology doctoral program. Her dissertation examined the role of health insurance and health care financial burden on postpartum morbidity. She is a Senior Research Associate at the Center for Health Systems Effectiveness and studies how Medicaid policies and health system transformations impact maternal health. Students and trainees are encouraged to email her ( or find her on Twitter (@menollyk) with any SPER-related questions.
PhD, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health, 2022
MPH, George Washington University, 2013
BA, Furman University, 2010