SPER's Annual Meeting Join us in Boston, MA, June 9-10, 2025
Low or Middle Income Country rates are available to qualifying individuals. To receive the discounted rate, please email Sue Bevan (sbevan@sper.org) to request the coupon code to use at the time of registering.
*Resident of a low or middle income countries as defined by the World Bank: https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groups

Registration Fee
The registration fees include attendance at all sessions, meeting materials, and refreshment breaks. Registration may be completed by mail, fax or via the internet. The early registration deadline is May 12, 2025. A confirmation letter will be sent upon receipt of the completed registration form. Payment can be made by check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express. Payment must be received prior to admittance to the meeting.
Cancellation Policy
If cancellation of your registration is necessary, please send a written request to Sue Bevan at sbevan@sper.org. Cancellations made before May 12, 2025 will be subject to a $50 administrative cancellation fee. Substitutions, however, may be made at any time. Confirmed registrants who do not attend the meeting or who cancel after May 12th, will forfeit the entire registration fee.
Symposium & Abstract Submissions
Support SPER and promote your organization! Submissions to advertise at our annual meeting are now available.
Future Meetings
Our next Annual Meeting will be held in Phoenix, AZ, 2026
Click below to Learn More!
Meetings Archive
To access information from SPER’s past meetings please visit click below!