SPER Executive Committee: Call for Nominations

Service Promotion Experience Recognition

Nominations are being sought for President (2017-2020), Treasurer (2017-2020), one Member-at-Large (2017-2021), International Representative (2017-2020), and SPER Student Representative (2017-2018). All terms will begin at the close of the June 2017 Annual Meeting. Members of SPER are encouraged to nominate themselves or any other member of SPER to run for these positions, and help our Society achieve continued success through this opportunity for professional service.

The President will serve as President Elect (2017-2018), President (2018-2019), and Past President (2019-2020). The main duties of the President-Elect are to help the President develop plans for the Annual Meeting and to chair the selection of the Student Prize Paper Award Recipient. The President designs the program for the Annual Meeting and is in charge of Executive Committee decision-making. The Past President chairs the selection or the Heinz Berendes International Travel Award recipient and provides input as needed.

The Treasurer is involved in all Executive Committee activities, and will work with SPER staff to manage the Society’s finances, process membership payments, and prepare financial reports. This member will replace Danelle Lobdell.

The Member-at-Large participates in all Executive Committee activities. The Member-at-Large elected this cycle will be responsible for communications, primarily producing the SPER Newsletter (published 3 times a year), promoting and maintaining the SPER Facebook site, and distributing other relevant information to SPER members. This member will replace Sarah Tinker.

The International Representative (to replace the previously elected International Liaison) participates in all Executive Committee activities, including monthly conference calls. This representative serves as a link between SPER and the pediatric and perinatal epidemiologic research communities outside of North America, with a goal of increasing SPER membership across the globe. The term is three years (June 2017-June 2020). To be eligible, the individual must reside full-time in a country outside North America. This member will replace Jennifer Zeitlin.

The Student Representative participates in Executive Committee meetings, encourages and facilitates student participation in SPER and plans the Advanced Methods Workshop, which precedes the Annual Meeting. This member will replace Sarah Pugh.

Nominations are due by March 1, 2017 and should be sent to Sunni Mumford at mumfords@mail.nih.gov or submitted online through the SPER website, click here. You can also contact Sunni for more information by email or by phone at 301-435-6946. The slate of candidates and ballot will be presented to the membership for electronic voting to take place in April 2017.