The Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research will accept proposals for symposium sessions at the 38th Annual Meeting in Boston, MA from June 9-10, 2025.
Symposia offer members an opportunity to directly shape the program, and all members of SPER are highly encouraged to consider submitting a symposium proposal.
Symposia proposals should be submitted using the online form. In preparing your proposal, please succinctly discuss the topic and why it would be of interest to the membership, the content to be presented or debated, suggested speakers and their expressed willingness to attend, and estimated allocation of time. Please make sure to provide enough detail about the content of the symposium for reviewers to be able to evaluate its significance, innovation and approach.
We encourage proposals that reflect diversity in institutions, career stages, expertise, and socio-demographic backgrounds, including gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, country of origin, and socio-economic status. Please describe how you have considered diversity in developing your proposal. Members of SPER from all career stages are encouraged to submit a symposium proposal.
The deadline for proposals is October 28, 2024.