Abstract Submission
Interested in participating in the virtual meeting held on April 8, 2025. Submit an abstract! Submission criteria and due dates are the same as the annual meeting dates listed below. Please note that the same abstract cannot be submitted to both the annual in person meeting and virtual meeting. Click here to learn more about the 2025 Virtual Meeting.
Abstract Submission Categories
Big Data/Machine Learning/AI
Birth defects
Child health and development
COVID-19 Pandemic
Disability status
Environment/climate change
Fertility and fecundity
Fetal loss/stillbirth/infant mortality
Gender and sexual identity
Global health
Gynecological health
Health equity
Infectious disease
Men’s health
Mental health
Obstetric health
Paternal health
Pregnancy outcomes
Science Communication and Media
Social determinants of health
Substance Use
Implementation science
Women’s health
Violence or abuse victimization
Abstract Submission Instructions
The following rules must be adhered to precisely:
All abstracts must be submitted in final form no later than January 27, 2025, 11:59pm PT. E-mail notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting author.
Abstracts are required to be submitted online:
In order to allow greater searching, authors will need to be added to the abstract individually as part of the abstract form and should NOT be included in the body of the abstract.
Presentation of specific data and methodologic details assist reviewers in judging the quality of the research. New findings are of greater interest than confirmation of known relations. Clarity and brevity of writing will allow evaluation of the importance of the research. Abstracts are scored by two reviewers. An overall acceptance proportion is applied to each topic category. The allocation of papers therefore represents the number of abstracts submitted from the topic areas.
General rules about abstracts:
Please read these instructions carefully. Do not include figures, tables, or mathematical equations in the abstract. The abstract should not exceed 2,000 characters, INCLUDING SPACES, but NOT including title and author information – which will be entered separately. Avoid acronyms. If you use references, provide the journal, volume, year and page numbers. Spell out abbreviations (including OR or RR) the first time you use them. If you calculate confidence intervals, specify whether they are 90%, 95%, etc. Choose a primary category and if applicable, a secondary and tertiary category from the topics listed on the abstract form. The primary category area will be used for assignment for review.
Abstracts derived from papers already published, either in print or in an online format, are not eligible for submission as an abstract.